Different Class by Pulp (1995)

Brett Anderson was Britpop’s androgynous sex pest, Damon Albarn its brattish mockney jester, the Gallagher brothers its scowling rock’n’roll hardmen. Jarvis Cocker, meanwhile, was the witty, dishevelled, malnourished academic, raging against class injustice while finding time to shag thirsty undergraduates in between gin-soaked lectures. It’s a tale as old as time, and Jarvis played his

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Parklife by Blur (1994)

“If punk was about getting rid of hippies, then I’m getting rid of grunge”. Suffice to say, a lot of aspiring British musicians, including Damon Albarn, were understandably proud of their small, miserable, rain-swept island’s foundational contribution to rock music, and they were less than pleased about the invasion of flannel-wearing, heroin-addicted American rockers, descending

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Ten by Pearl Jam (1991)

The success of Nevermind and the buzz around Nirvana created ample opportunities for similarly dishevelled and disgruntled guitar acts to reclaim the upper reaches of the charts from the strutting sirens of 80s synth pop. Far from recognising kindred spirits and potential allies, though, the newly anointed King Kurt imperiously impugned their motives, insinuating in

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